Understanding how to use this information in PowerShell on your system is up to you.Versie 5.13 van de videoconferencingsoftware Zoom is uitgekomen. Since we do not have your system we cannot be of more help than to answer a well formed question. Once you find the display name of the package you will have the package ID.

The easiest way to customize an uninstall from the registry is to use the package ID and call msiexec directly. All o them can be made to work by the rest of us but you are not using them in the correct context or the way you originally claimed to need them to work. The original question you have asked here has been answered in at least three ways. To get where you are going you are going to have to learn enough about the installer, the registr and PowerShell to be ble toask a clear question. There is not way that this scritp ever worked as intended so it I suspect to begin with. YOu have no PowerShell training and are guessing. If I have to guess I wuld say you copied this crit from somewhere and have been trying to figure out how to make it work for your issue. YOU are assigning "$install" an never using it Your uninstall lines are using "$uninstall64" and "$uninstall32". Remove-Item -path C:\Windows\Software Install -Recurse -Force Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanSetup" -name Portal -value gp.***.com–Force #Step 3: Add New Reg Key For Portal Information Start-process "msiexec.exe" -arg "/i $install /qn" -Wait $uninstall32 = gci "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" | foreach

#Step 1: Uninstall Current Version Of Global Protect & Remove Program File Entry #Added gp.***.com to the portal properties in the registry. #Reinstall the new version of global protect from the files copied in the first step and removes the installation files. #Next the script will uninstall the current version of Global Protect and delete the directory in Program files

#PowerShell Script to copy files from SCCM to the local machine in to the following: C:\Windows\Software Install So I copied your suggestion and I still get the same popup, here is the full script: Also - always read al of the help for any command you are using